My Spiral Motion LLC is a home based fitness studio, offering GYROTONIC® exercise and the Galileo® vibration technologies. All lessons are private and instructed by certified trainer Brittany Keefe. Emphasis is placed on maximizing your own body’s strength, natural movement patterns and increased flexibility. Live better longer!

Brittany's Credentials 

Through her dance training, Brittany has been involved with the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® for nearly 20 years. Originally trained in GYROTONIC® methodology by master trainer Magali Messiac, Brittany earned her teaching credentials through master trainer Juergen Bamberger and Leda Franklin. All of her mentors were original students of the creator Juliu Horvath. Brittany is certified in GYROKINESIS® as well as the GYROTONIC® Level 2 work, on the Jumping Stretch Board specialized equipment, the dancer application work, and the therapeutic pelvic girdle, psoas, and fascial body courses. Brittany focuses on natural energetic connections and having fun through exercise.



GYROTONIC® exercise greatly improves and complements any specialized athletics or rehabilitation program. The exercises have shown improvement in the game of golfers, efficiency and injury prevention in dancers, increased joint mobility in elderly clients, increased endurance in cyclists, and overall length and strength for any body.


WHO Created the method?

The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® was created by a professional dancer from Romania named Juliu Horvath. Horvath became injured and began developing the GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® methods to heal and regain strength and agility. Gaining in popularity, there are now 7,800 GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® trainers teaching in 52 countries worldwide.

Hamstring Series

Hamstring Series

Upper Body Series

Upper Body Series

Arch and Curl Handle Series

Arch and Curl Handle Series

GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.